Visiting the Sri Lankan Estate of Renowned Architect Geoffrey Bawa

hospitality and hotel photography

Reflections of my April 2024 visit to the Lunuganga Country Estate in Bentota, Sri Lanka, where I got to explore the passion project of the great Geoffrey Bawa.

My role as a hospitality and architectural photographer involves a lot of travel. When I can, I like to build in some downtime to soak up the culture of a destination and indulge in my own passions. On my recent trip to Sri Lanka for ITC Hotels, I carved out some time after the shoot to visit the home of an architectural icon, Geoffrey Bawa.

Sri Lanka’s Most Celebrated Architect

Geoffrey Manning Bawa was pivotal in shaping the architectural landscape, not just in Sri Lanka but across Asia. His influence is recognized worldwide, as he designed structures in various countries including India, Indonesia, Mauritius, Fiji, and Singapore. 

In 1948, he purchased an abandoned rubber and cinnamon plantation, with the intention of creating “something that would be shaped by my present and future dreams…”. For forty years, Bawa dedicated himself to evolving the estate, transforming it into a tropical wonderland, inspired by Italian gardens yet infused with the essence of its surroundings.

Following his death in May 2003, his ashes were buried on Cinnamon Hill, within the grounds of Lunuganga. 

Photography of the Lunuganga Country Estate

I have long been an admirer of Bawa’s design and found it an almost spiritual experience to walk through the grounds of Lunuganga. While walking through the grounds I took numerous photos on my iPhone, which I share in the reel below. I hope I have evoked the spirit of this special place through these images.

“iPhone images of Lununganga House and Gardens by Gerry O’Leary

Get in touch if you have an interesting architectural project in Sri Lanka, India or the Middle East that requires professional photography. Follow me on Instagram to see my latest projects. Feel free to share this article on your social media too.